10 Awesome things you can do today for your mental health!

If you are feeling stressed with the busyness of life and a long to-do list. Try some of these ideas to lighten your load a bit! I was inspired to create this list when I realized a Facebook group I had recently joined was not a great place for me to be, I left the group and felt so much better.

I hadn't realized the impact seeing these generally negative memes were having on me, it was a snarky group of complainers, that were occasionally funny, but the negatives outweighed the laughs.

1. ...

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June Business and Life Report!

business gael wood mindset Jul 13, 2021

June was a busy month in my business and in life! I thought I would do a round-up post of my projects and activities, a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at this mom’s “Laptop Lifestyle”.

 Home & Health

 We finished up our homeschool year the first week in June and are just carrying on with math lessons any day we are home and 30 minutes a day of reading. I do a weekly “homeschool trade” with another mom and we decided to keep our schedule so I have...

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A dream life doesn't mean a perfect life ๐Ÿ’–

I wrote a book called Designing Your Dream Life, that's a pretty big claim, that I have and can help other people live a Dream Life. So on the days when my life feels less-than-dreamy, I wonder, who exactly do I think I am?
But a dream life is simply living by intention and by a design of your own creation but it does NOT mean the following:
*Everything is perfect every day
*A life without struggle, fear, or challenges
*Always knowing what to do or how to do it
*Life cooperating...
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5 Beliefs You Can Let Go of Today!

belief systems mindset Jun 20, 2021

Our beliefs affect everything in our lives and some of them can be old, outdated, and not helpful in the least!

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "A belief system is nothing more than a thought you've thought over and over again."

Here are a few beliefs that you might want to consider letting go of!

1. Beliefs about your limitations. Do you have beliefs about your capabilities, having enough time, or resources that you need to revisit? What if you believed that you had plenty of time and that you are...

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Rethinking my social media presence

When is the last time you took a good look at your social media use? I did way back before covid and I didn't like what I saw.... I was wasting time, it was draining me of my energy and I was consuming rather than creating. Not ideal.

So I did a thirty-day app and social media detox, and it was amazing, I was reading more, creating more, my house was cleaner and I had more time to exercise too. It was taking up much more of my time and energy than I realized. 

Then covid hit, school was...

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Multiple Income Stream Goals!

One of my big goals for 2021 is to uplevel my income stream game. I think after 2020 we can all agree that it's important!

Some of my income streams are just getting started and are currently just a trickle (and this is when many people get discouraged and give up) but I know that that is how everything starts.

There's a lot of "smoke and mirrors" in the online business space, and over the years I've bought into a lot of it. Do this "formula" do these formatted webinars, just follow our easy,...

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Knowing When to Press Pause

Knowing when to pause is one of the most important skills in business and in life! Have you ever set something aside and when you went back to it, it made so much more sense or just seemed to flow (like this email for example)?

Yesterday I was struggling with a website page I was building, I got frustrated and decided to work on something else, and when I looked at it again this morning I saw a few settings that I wasn't even seeing before.

I've been trying to change my Facebook page for...

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Whatโ€™s between you and your ambition/goal/desired outcome?


Are you challenged by what is between you and where you want to be? Do you feel like you do not have enough time, to take you from where you are to your desired outcome or goal? Well, hear what Gael has to say here...

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Not cool, spiritual bypassing AF!!

gael wood mindset money taxes Feb 01, 2021

I joined a group this year, it's a money-making challenge that has been getting me to think outside the box, inspiring me, and has overall been fun and helpful. Today, I asked a question about taxes, curious about how other people were thinking about handling the tax question if/when they get to that point in the challenge, and I was met with a very harsh response! 

- "You shouldn't be freaking out over things that haven't happened yet"

-"You should check your energy before you post in...

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Letter from Gael

I understand how you are feeling right now... You are SO READY for your life to change, to grow, to expand, but it all seems "out there" and impossible. Who are you to ask for more anyway? More money each month would make things so much easier, more fun, more time with your family, more saving and security, and LESS stress.

I know you see people everywhere, writing, creating, selling online and you wonder if it's real, and could you do that too? Could you actually just start a business just...

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